Confusion all over the place when it comes to the name of this ground. The Belgian FA calls this Den Dries. The website of KFC Eppegem names this De Waterleest (like the indoor sports centre next to this stadium), but in the stadium itself everything refers to the Frans Vercammenstadion. And to top this there is also the Stadion Arnold Decoster in between De Waterleest and the Frans Vercammenstadion. The Stadion Arnold Decoster is a roller skating area.

But there is absolutely no doubt or confusion about the fact KFC Eppegem is surprising everyone in the national leagues these days. No-one in Eppegem could have ever imagined back in 1930 (when FC Eppegem was founded) that they would ever do so good in the national leagues. Up until WWII they always played the regional leagues. After having ceased all activities FC Eppegem was re-founded in 1947. For 41 years they would go up and down in the regional leagues. It would take until 1988 until there was any news for the team, being the merger with the neighbouring FC Borneo.

Up until 2012 it remained quiet again. That year they won the second highest regional league with a massive lead on the second position; 31 points - winning almost all of their games that year. Four years later (after having played in the top of the top regional league) they won championship again and for the first time ever they would play in the national divisions; third amateur league. This year they are again peaking and if they maintain their current level, it's very much possible KFC Eppegem will be playing in the second amateur league next year.

A lot of former first division players ended their career at KFC Eppegem. A couple of examples are Maarten Tordoir and Jean-Paul Kielo-Lezi. Mark Talbut (former player of KV Mechelen, Beerschot, La Louvière and Germinal Ekeren) was trainer at the time KFC Eppegem started their big climb to the national divisions. We believe he is still linked to the club.

Besides the nice grandstand in the green and red colours there is also a very nice "temporary" stand across the pitch, probably to meet the demands for national football. But it does make the stadium a very nice ground to 'hop'.