Somewhere between Sint-Truiden and Tongeren you'll find Borgloon, a smaller village with an unexpected amount of football teams. Borgloon houses four football teams, which is quite a lot. With KHIH Hoepertingen being the oldest and biggest team with the most success in the Belgian leagues, KFC De Jeugd Borgloon is the second oldest team... And it has a beautiful grandstand!

The history of the team is a bit of a mystery. We have found some sources that say the team was founded in 1941, and looking at the matricule number this seems to check out. But other than this, there isn't much to be found. We can tell you the team never made it to the national leagues. They mostly played in the top two regional leagues in Limburg, but these days the team is fighting for promotion out of the lowest regional league.

Not sure when the grandstand was built, or if it even was built for this team here (it might have been a second hand grandstand - it wouldn't even be a surprise), but it looks to be a grandstand dating from the 70s or 80s. One of the most remarkable facts about the grandstand definitely were the wooden seats which seemed to be oldschool/vintage cinema seats. "Was" as during 2018 the seats were taken out and replaced by modern plastic seats. Sad because this takes a bit away from the charme and double sad as the team colours are completely different (yellow and red).

But don't let this stop you from passing by this lovely lower league stadium. There are a lot of beauties in the neighbourhood and you can easily plan this in a small Limburg groundhopping tour. This is highly recommended.