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GROUND // Rode Kruisplein - FC Oxford Hemiksem
For those who have been following us, they know the unique aspects that come with the Belgian matricule numbers and how it influences the...

GROUND // Robert De Buyserstadion - SK Heffen
A beautiful stand, some nice anecdotes and a typical lower league team. What more can a groundhopper ask for? SK Heffen plays in the very...

GROUND // Melkweg - KFC Hever (lost ground)
Not far away from the current KFC Hever grounds their former ground is still existing. In the meantime this has become a wonderful and...

GROUND // Slagveldweg - KFC Hever
Right on the border between provinces Antwerp and Flemish Brabant KFC Hever is one of those typical lower league teams with an...

GROUND // Filodroom - DK Nieuwmoer
Not far away from the KFC Nieuwmoer ground you can find another absolute gem. The Filodroom has some peculiar dugouts and a very neat and...

GROUND // Kerremelkpit - KSK Wenduine
It doesn't always have to be about massive grandstands or nice and oldschool terracing. Sometimes pure nature is all it takes. All it...

GROUND // Vleugtweg - KFC Rapide Wezemaal
We were recommended this stadium by one of our fans quite some time ago. Two years and a bit later we finally made it to this wonderful...

GROUND // Burgemeester Cloetensstadion - KVC Haacht B
The last part of our KVC Haacht trilogy; stepping outside the Haacht borders and going into Wespelaar. Wespelaar Sportief was the oldest...

GROUND // Beverdijk - KVC Haacht C
Still in Haacht with a ground that can be considered to be somewhat of a lost ground. At least, it doesn't witness any A football...

GROUND // Hoogveld - KVC Haacht
We were in Haacht before to visit the beautiful stadium near the railway station. Sparta Haacht isn't the only team though in the...

GROUND // Sportpark Vogelwaarde - VV Vogelwaarde (The Netherlands)
While in The Netherlands we thought we had found a wonderful lost ground. Sometimes we are a little bit foolish, so it was a bummer to...

GROUND // Jules Soetestadion - K Daring Club Blankenberge (lost ground)
For seven years straight now this ground has been abandoned. While it remained in use after the merger of Daring with KSV, in 2013 it was...

GROUND // Gestelstraat - Olen United
Back to Olen. We already briefly touched on the history of SK Hezewijk and KFC Buul. With their disappearance Achter Olen VV and KAC Olen...

GROUND // Helzoldstadion - Speedwayclub Helzold (lost ground)
Yet another lost ground. Although it's only considered lost as there's no football anymore. Other activities are still ongoing and we're...

GROUND // Missestraat - SK Hezewijk/KFC Buul (lost ground)
Yep, lost ground alert. This wonderful place can be found in Olen and hosted KFC Buul and SK Hezewijk. Right up until the point both...

GROUND // Patronagestraat - KVV Zelzate
Usually the teams we are talking about (or the stadiums) were once great and richly filled but nowadays have fallen away (or are still at...

GROUND // SIDMAR Post 4 - FC Sint-Kruis-Winkel
FC Sint-Kruis-Winkel will never play at their SIDMAR Post 4 stadium again. December 1st, 2019 will forever be marked as the day FC SKW...

GROUND // Bekaert Stadion - VC K Zwevegem Sport
Do we want oldschool terracing? Do we want them in an odd shape? Do we like a nice worn down grandstand? Yes! We like all of that. And we...

GROUND // Tervuursesteenweg - VC Bertem-Leefdaal youth
Recently you can't get around the fact mergers are happening more and more. While some are just a solution in the short term, others have...

GROUND // Eikenbemde - Korbeek Sport
Korbeek is more or less overshadowed by the neighbouring Bierbeek. But that doesn't mean there isn't any football tradition to be found....
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